Too bad firebalz wasn't there for the arrest. He could have taken out the bad guy with a filipino karate chop unlike the cowardly murdering police officers ( if his mail order bride would only let him).

Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by Beaver10
The possibility that a shot bad guy could recover enough, or was faking being shot, thus able re-engage police with a weapon he either fell upon when shot, or is hiding on his person, dictated the need to cover the bad guy with a weapon until cuffed and frisked while on the ground.

Officer and citizens safety being the reason....But, you already know this. 😎

But, the guy is bleeding out.

Why don't they stop what they were doing?

Why are they handcuffing him?

Please, Starfish, Duck, Fireballz... Anybody.

Please explain this madness?