Just saw a report on Fox that said that an independent autopsy on Mr. Floyd, requested by the family, indicates that asphyxiation from direct neck compession was the primary cause of death in his case. This seems to be in direct contraindication to the preliminary findings reported by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner. This cannot be so and not taking sides here. Hennepin County, in this case, got the body early enough they should have been able to make some very accurate determination as to the probable cause of death. Death by asphyxiation is not uncommon and the pathological findings are well known to pathologists.

Once again, not taking sides here but at minimum the medical professionals involved here should have a little peer review to sort things out for society, if nothing else. To do nothing is to just stoke the fires of conspiracy and distrust which are already burning out of control for many. We are not even into the "real" fire season yet and still have a contentious election ahead as well as waiting to see if the Corona virus (covid-19) comes back with a vengeance in the fall like the Spanish flu did in 1918 and killed 675K Americans and an estimated 50 million worldwide. They were not fudging those numbers for .gov $ back then as is likely now and it did take the lives of 2 of my great-grandfathers who had been healthy in their late 30's/early 40's.

Hoping for a peaceful remainder to 2020 for ALL Americans.