There’s no place in America for letting bands of criminals take over parts of this country, but from a strategic standpoint I love the idea of this governor and mayor being stupid enough to let it happen long enough for the bikers to move in and peacefully reclaim these streets.

The right saying enough is enough and fighting back with the same tactics is exactly what America needs. The left get these extremists hardcore agenda driven politicians while the right gets rinos for this exact reason. The left does a better job of holding communist politicians feet to the fire and burning down/taking over cities while we roll over and do nothing but politely complain and vote “for the lesser of two evils.” The right actively taking a stance and going to the streets demanding to be listed to is exactly what we need. That we haven’t used the same tactics and forced confrontation is why we get Mitch McConnell and they get Piglosi and Omar.

Last edited by TheLastLemming76; 06/14/20.