Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
Peacefully meaning we don’t sit back talking about Civil War 2 but do nothing while they take it to us. Within the confines of self defense and right to bare we protest and get out there protesting right in their faces like they do ours every time they burn, loot, and occupy. We’re their to pushback on the aggressors. We’re peaceful we don’t get pissed and burn down a neighborhood but we don’t sit back and allow it to happen. If it gets ugly regardless of how it’s spun we did nothing but defend neighborhoods and ourselves. Definitely need to be smart about it but we organize into groups large enough to confront and engage when it happens. Their handing us that scenario on a silver platter but we (myself included) are not taking advantage. If we’ve seen anything it’s that they’re organized we need to get organized somehow and pushback. We don’t need Civil War 2 we need to get organized enough to meet them head on with equal force and tactics.

The news that night will be "Nazis running wild in America".