Originally Posted by TrueGrit
Originally Posted by LeroyBeans
Originally Posted by szihn
The idea that "the press" can lie to the people to cause damage to those that are innocent is simply not based in law. The same basis is the reason for the laws making you liable for yelling "fire" in a crowd when there is no fire and you KNOW there is no fire.

Freedom of the press and freedom of speech do NOT go to a point you can deprive others of their rights, intentionally cause harm, or cause danger for personal gain. Same with the 2nd amendment and the 4th amendments
Sure, you can keep and bear arms but you can't shoot people and destroy property with a gun without lawful cause.
You have the right to privacy, but not so much that you can intentionally hide a meth lab.

The freedom enjoyed by the press is not so broad as to allow legal protection for the guilty. It doesn't protect those why knowingly lie and promote an agenda by using lies..

Yet we have never seen that type of treason punished.
We should and it may be coming..................one way or another.,

Deliberate lying should put media at risk, yet Fox and Breitbart publishes without any regard to reality other than the reality of their wet dreams.

Are you really that frigging stupid? The left media is always retracting what they've claimed as news. Your fake news.

Yeah, when the left lies, they publish a retraction. When the Right lies, they cash more checks.

Have you been enjoying Fox's doctored protest photography lately? You betchya.