I understand the fear that the virus has cause to some people. I do believe it is a bad deal if you get it.
I do not believe the masks will save you but understand that small businesses need to be open and need my support to continue.
However,, if you are in that group of sick or could get sick easy or that damn scared of it stay home
Menards,,,, I will wear a mask ,,but and I m3an but, our local store has signs up and has said customers should wear them our employees are. Half the employees don’t wear correctly, 25% have them around their neck , and 25% wear a handerchief so I will wear mine but the first time I see one of theirs not correctly worn I will take mine off and be done. Can’t force me too if you aren’t

We might have to be neighbors, but I don’t have to be neighborly. John Chisum