Originally Posted by dassa
Of course masks work. The government told us we could reopen if we used masks, to keep the virus from spreading. And we see the corresponding numbers of increased mask usage with new cases on the decline. You science deniers should feel ashamed.


Did you honestly say new cases are on the decline while mask wearing is at an all time high - according to the precious MSM?

If you want to tell me masks "SLOWS" the spread of the virus, I'll buy that, but you said "to keep the virus from spreading". Dude, it's spreading and there isn't s h it you, I or anyone else can do about it. Wearing masks just kicks the can down the road. This phugger is in just about every county in the US. How are you gonna contain that? How are you going to protect the world from every surface, door knob, gas pump handle on earth? You're not, so the disease spreads. Are you hoping to avoid it until a vaccine comes? Good phoucing luck on that! I pray we get one soon, but at the best case scenario, you and I won't be rolling up our sleeves for a year at best and never is likely.

New treatments will come on line much more quickly and save lives and shorten sickness. You kicking the can down the road for that? If this thing is REALLY that contagious, you ain't stopping it! It went to every country in the world in 2 months, so you're surprised its spreading here? Don't be. Wake up! Herd immunity can be a 1 year process or a 3 year process. H1N1 circled the globe twice in 2 years WITH a vaccine. This ain't going away. Hiding behind your mask is like hiding under the covers when there is a monster in your bedroom. When you stick your head out, the monster is still there.

BTW- Yes I do wear mask, gloves and PPE for a living. I'm also nose to nose spreading aerosols with 20 people per day. Do masks work there? Of course? Do they work for non health professionals that wear phuggin bandanas, cloth masks pulled under their noses and all this other ridiculous stuff I see? Absolutely worthless. Either 6 feet social distancing is effective or why do it? Either asymptomatic people with a low viral load don't spread easily or they do. Either this is super contagious and 20 million Americans have had it (CDC estimates) or they don't and isn't that contagious. Which is it?

Originally Posted by hatari
From DocRocket:

"The pandemic is not controllable. We cannot control this. We cannot contain it. The only chance we had at containing this is when it was first getting loose from the lab in Wuhan. It was not contain by the Comu...uh. the Chinese government at that time, and after that, all questions of containment have been mute."

I want everyone in America to listen and understand that. That will end all the silliness about masks and and shut downs and shelter in place and closing schools.

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo