To summarize a story I read some time ago among the gun literature discussing the relative merits and stopping power of various handgun rounds:

In the 1970's a black NY Transit Authority cop had a shootout with a wanted bank robber. The cop had his .38 revolver and the bad guy had a 1911 .45. Both of them emptied their pistols at each other from spitting distance, just a few yards apart. When it was over the cop was standing unscathed and the bank robber was dead.

When asked about it later, the cop said, "shootin' straight with my thirty eight beats him givin' me jive with a forty five."

Hmm, something about accuracy or hitting the target being the most important factor might make a good sig line... wink

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!