Dwayne, we have been getting quite a bit of smoke up this way as well. Its cooling off quickly now and that seems to help a bit. Im getting my gear ready to head to the bush tomorrow. The outfitter I guide for once our fishing season is over, ( Ceaser Lake Outfitters) managed to book me a couple of hunts this year. Im looking forward to getting back out and away from all the lunacy.

One thing I have noticed is that I spend so much time in the bush with my fishing, trapping, and guiding that I dont do well with all the craziness as some folks seem too. I just finished up a three week stint with highways. They were doing some new chip seal and needed an EMR. That is the first job I have had in over three decades where I wasn't guiding or working for myself. The crew I was on was a good one, we put in extremely long hours and everyone worked hard, but the political correctness the higher ups was a bit hard to take. Luckily the foreman was able to insulate us from that to a certain extent, otherwise the job would have been unbearable to me.

I agree it all started with 9/11. I know very few who have read the Patriot Act; I have, and I believe it took more freedom from Americans than any other document ever has, and republicans gave us that.

I am still hopeful that I will be able to operate my trapline trips this winter. I guess time will tell. If not I will spend the winter cutting trail and I need to build a new cabin so my time wont go to waste. Hope your fall season is a good one.