Originally Posted by TheTroutnut
Not a word on any of the major networks the past few days after the election.

Have you tried watching them? There's been plenty of continuing coverage of Covid.

Approximately 8000 people a day die in the US and you weren't sniveling like a petulant child

It's weird how conservatives have decided that the unnecessary extra deaths of over 1,000 American citizens per day are perfectly okay just because they're Trump's fault. Were was the "hey 8,000 people die per day so it's no big deal" crowd on 9/11, exactly? How long did you all freak out about four deaths in Benghazi?

Right now we've got a Benghazi every 40 seconds and a 9/11 every 2-3 days, and you're just happily singing along pretending nothing could have been done and it's no big deal.

Lol what’s sad your dumb ass believes what you type.. In 6 months you will never hear covid again.. You will fall in lockstep with the media proclaiming joe Biden saved us.. When in reality he did nothing any different than DJT. But you are too far gone unable to think on your own..

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.