Originally Posted by jdollar
Originally Posted by MarkFed
Money orders only for me. If you want to use some sort of modern, easy, or convenient way of doing anything at all I am completely against it. Can’t stand when people think things are better just because they are easier or more convenient. If you ask me, these kind of people are simply lazy and don’t understand the value of good old fashioned hard work.

Think about it. It is easy to do anything an easier way these days. But how hard is it to make something more complicated and to take more time to complete than necessary.

If it isn’t complicated, hard, or non enjoyable in some sort of a way then it simply isn’t worth doing at all.

Are you serious or is this post an attempt at levity? If you are serious, you are simply stupid.....

I wonder how he feels about a certified bank check...? laugh

It's official. I missed the selfie deadline so I'm Maser's sock puppet because rene and the Polish half of the fubar twins have decided that I am.

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