Waiting in line while those leftist vermin at USPS piss around selling stamps to people is a huge waste of time. If you are trying to run a business rather than watching the grass grow, time is money. If you won't accept a company check, then I don't need your item.

If PayPal catches you using their services in selling or buying gun parts, they will lock your account (both seller and buyer) and you can kiss your money goodbye. I have seen some of these idiots on eBAY posting the description (i.e. Remington 700 Barrel) on their PayPal invoice- stupid, stupid, stupid.

In my experience, the buyers and sellers who insist on a MO are afraid of their wives discovering their gun transactions.What a life...hiding money and guns from your spouse.

Last edited by 3584ELK; 05/02/21. Reason: consolidation

"I didn't realize we had so many snipers in this country." by J23