Yes in very sobering and descriptive detail. All my girls were lucky enough to spend many years with their Paternal Great Grandmother alive who shared many stories with them about life during WWII including giving birth to their Grandfather, my Dad in an Army Medical Hospital MASH type tent.

All of them grewup watching old Westerns on TV with me early Saturday morning and afternoon War movies. Explaining to them real vs TV frontier life including the brutality of War.

As well each of them took AP History from a very conservative Catholic High School teacher who was part of the National AP History Board that sets National Standards. I read their Text book and supplements with them and was very impressed at the level of detail and time they spent on the American Civil War.

Still like War you can't "know" what it will be like until you live it.

At least all of them dont have a problem pulling the trigger on an animal, cleaning, processing and eating their kills.

I've done what I could even though they weren't "Country" raised.

"Maybe we're all happy."

"Go to the sporting goods store. From the files, obtain form 4473. These will contain descriptions of weapons and lists of private ownership."