Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by CowboyTim
I'll explain it ONE more time for you before I hit the woods...

Perhaps you are familiar with the theory of the really big lie? Small lies are easily debunked, fact checked out of hand, a big enough lie, by a powerful enough person will be accepted, without question by many people.

How to lie about a rigged election in the current circumstance.

1. Start early, start claiming from the very beginning that the other main party is going to try to steel the election.

2. Allow early voting and absentee voting, knowing that the other party will encourage people to do so. I mean in the world is dealing with a dangerous and highly contagious disease.

3. Encourage your supporter NOT to vote early, talk of the glory of voting on election day, doing so will heavily skew the early returns in your favor.

4. Get state officials where your party has control to play along by NOT allowing early votes counted early, ensuring that they will be counted later after you look to have a comfortable lead(like Wisconsin, PA, Michigan. This election), as most of YOUR supporters voted on election day(as you told them to...despite the fact that you personally have a long record of voting by mail and voted early IN THIS ELECTION).

5. When the absentee/early votes are counted and heavily favor the other party(remember step 3), start screaming at the top of your lungs about how the fix is on and file baseless lawsuits while flooding partisan media outlets with disinformation to back up the really big lie...

Which must be true now, you've been repeating it for months.

If you still can't see it, nothing more I can say can help you. The country just got good and tired of the draft dodger/con man in office.

The crap you're seeing now is a result of a person in power experiencing a loss he can't bribe/bully his way out of for the first time in his life, no more, no less. The only "fire" behind the smoke show is from the tire pile the POTUS is burning any incriminating papers on.

This is the neighbor who'll be phoning you in to the local party office because he heard what sounded like semi-auto gunfire from your property.

He'll be the one calling the local party office to report you for not wearing a mask.

He'll be the one calling the local party office because you left your truck idling for 20 minutes in your driveway.

He'll be the one working the glory hole at the local party office for extra fuel ration cards.

Are you REALLY that delusional?

Mauser Rescue Society
Founder, President, and Chairman

I don't always shoot Mausers, but when I do...I prefer VZ-24s.

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