Originally Posted by Burleyboy
The Chinese see most white/western style societies as an obstacle in the way of their global ambition. I've spoke with several Chinese about it. They want the whites out of South Africa and I wouldn't be surprised if they are in some way supporting the farm attacks.

One Chinese official said the Chinese see whites as competition, everyone else not so much. Many of them seemed pretty racist to me and several seemed ambitious and out to prove something. In general however I got along and felt more comfortable around the Chinese than I did the Japanese the summer I spent in Asia. I just found the chinese more open and easier to talk to and much less uptight and formal than the Japanese. I did trust the Japanese and had a lot of respect for them I just had a hard time with their communication styles and the whole public face private face thing.

China is likely going to be a big global problem. A whole generation of spoiled only children with a gender imbalance meaning too few women ran by a totalitarian communist regime. Gee, what could go wrong.

They already considered themselves in a war with the west they are just buying time while they use softer asymmetrical warfare tactics against us and buy off our politicians and help rig our elections. We should cut ties now but we already given them way too much tech and manufacturing know how. It wasn't long ago that the only things we bought from them was rubber dog crap and fireworks.

Too bad Aussies are turning into metro men like us and letting the progressives rule. There may come a day when the regret disarming their people.


The US sells arms to over 100 client countries, over half ot them human rights abusers. It outsells the next 5 countries combined( Russia, Uk, france, china etc). For 'global amitions' no one holds a candle to the good old US of A. The US also opened the gates for Russia and china to play global business after the breakup of the USSR. Western countries got to set up business in the half of the world that used to be iron curtain, it was like raiding alladins cave- we got cheap goods, 15% stock returns, easy credit and in the 1990's a 19 year old kid could buy 2 houses, a fast car and a vacation. Then the economies tanked, Russia started taking its terrotories back, and we are left trying to beat China at the game we invited them too. Dumb Dumb Dumb.