How to really get stuck? That is easy. All you need is eight inches of new powder accompanied by 30 mph winds followed by a warm wind and 1/2 inch of rain.

Every wind sheltered section of road will be drifted 3 to 4 feet deep. And those drifts will be dense as hell.

You can hit them at about 25 mph in a 72 lifted K5 Blazer, and then you will find yourself high centered on the drift with the tires about a foot off the ground..Chains do not help.

All you can do is get out and shovel snow until you get the tires back down to pavement.

I think it was the winter of 1979. It took me three hours to make the first two miles of county roads, and then I found the plowed parts.

It was another three days before the county got those two miles dug out. In the meantime, I went back to driving my 71 Celica. It would toboggan over the drifts, if they were not to long, and I had done enough shoveling to ensure they were not.

It was a lot of fun getting to work and home for those four days, but I never missed a shift, nor was I tardy.

Oh to be 25 years old again.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.