Originally Posted by T_Inman
Originally Posted by Beaver10

Holy Fook! How’d the hounds do being tumble dried? Hope they came out ok.

I’m not saying this shît is easy, or only special dudes know how to drive in mother nature’s nightmare. The worst is not being prepared for the situation, or not having gear to help mitigate the adventure.

I usually know leaving what I may be getting myself into. Doesn’t change the vapor lock I have had on my o-ring when it happens.

Sometimes you think you can do it....And sometimes you know you got no choice but to try. “Passenger side or drivers side door open to bail” BTDT too.

Love hunting!


They were used to it. Just another day of being thrown around in the dog box to themwhistle.

99+% of the time I have no issues. This Saturday was actually the first time in probably 5 years that I absolutely needed chains to get out and back to town, but I also don't push the limits like I used to. I used to do stuff like that on purpose...because I enjoyed the rushlaugh, and had to start walking to get help several times a year.

If your hounds could only talk....Laffin 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”