Define hoarding.

We have freezers and canning shelves.
We may buy freezer meat, or beef primals.

Freeze or can vegetables, make several years worth of sauerkraut, and can it.
Grew up a half hour plus from any real stores, grew much of our food,
that's not hoarding, its life.

Fight with my wife who grew up daily shopping.
She will says "We are out of ketchup" and come home with one bottle?
WTF! "We are still out, why didn't you buy at least 2?"

I honestly could never understand people that buy their primers by the hundred,
only when they are out. Heck a buddy said, "I need to buy a new chain for my saw,
My only good one is about done?"

WTF! Again.

I have 3 or 4 making that have enough life to cut something that might have metal.
And 2 or three new ones. Always have a new one in the truck, just in case.

I don't really hoard anything.
But i try to be prepared.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!