I have a bit of an aversion to hording because Dad hoards all kind of schit. After the tornado in Dallas last October, the folks' property took a pretty good hit, and aside from clearing up 60+ large trees, it took me a solid month to go through, clean out and reorganize the garage and workshop - and this was working full days. And this didn't even take into account the 2 story building in the back, which was packed full of crap! One the flip side, Dad had multiples of nearly everything you could possibly need for a project (or anything else you could imagine) - the problem was finding it.

However, there are still things I stockpile to a certain extent, but not nearly to the degree Dad does. After all, who the heck needs 17 commodes, 10 broken-down lawn mowers and tractors or 15 bottle jacks (only 3 of which worked?) Don't get me started on paint - spray and otherwise)... And [bleep] 35 - 40 year old garden hoses and garden hose attachments... And vacuum cleaners, parts and accessories - I could have opened a fargin' vacuum store for Pete's sake! Dad's 81, so my Marxist brother and I are attempting to get a handle on things now. Unfortunately, it seems that real progress is only made when I'm in town.

At any rate, the items I like to have on hand are the following:
Bear in mind that these items are kept to a 'reasonable' level.

1) Fasteners of all types
2) Various steel & iron
3) Tools (power and hand)
4) Ammo/guns/archery
5) Automotive oil and filters
6) Dry goods
7) Pickled Leprechaun
8) TP
9) Various office supplies
10) Boxes & packing supplies, inc. tape
11) Camping/outdoor equipment and supplies inc. fishing equip.
12) Old USA made vices and axes (which I restore)
13) Stereo/Hi-Fi equipment
14) Books
15) Lumber
16) Work table steel legs
17) Guns
18) Fountain pens/ink
19) Knives
20) Rope/line/chain
21) Padlocks
22) etc.

...Maybe I do have a problem?

Last edited by High_Noon; 12/11/20.

l told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Make your life go here. Here's where the peoples is. Mother Gue, I says, the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world, and by God, I was right.
- Del Gue