West Virginia was at the very bottom of the list in the nation last summer until........
........ until POTUS was VERY generous with our tax $ and slave labour of the future generations. He signed the biggest legislative steal in all of history. Talk about socialism. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not just fed up with the election scandals, but also the NEOcon RINO hypocrisy.
As a result of said hypocrisy and socialist THEFT, WV went from the lowest to the HIGHEST per capita literally overnight. The institutions now get $147,000.00++ per PATIENT!

This led to the evil incentive for hospitals to share nursing home patients to assure a higher death rate of innocent old folks, heart and diabetics. .....at the toon of $147,000++ per soul. Organized murder on a high scale thanks to DJT AND THE SWAMP.

God have mercy on the souls of all of those victims.