It's not boring , it's ordinary, 114 years of history gives it creds , name familiarity, instant recognition with no mysteries left about it. Most who buy and use it shoot 150's or 180's point it right the job is dependably done, it works for ordinary people some less skilled and some above average but allways some that are ordinary. So the crux of the matter is because it is ordinary to so many users that some see it as boring. When I see a 30-06 the first thing I think of is a 1903 that my grandad qualified expert with in 1917 or my dad in 1942. I like the commercial 06's I have but it's the Springfields and the 1917 Eddystone Enfield that are special to me because they are ordinary and a special level of ordinary in my book and you know to last 114 years and still going strong it's level of ordinary will be hard to ever surpass. Mb

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "