Originally Posted by Steve Redgwell
I guess this will happen to the 6.5CM then. Endless Creedmoor articles have been happening for a while.

I wonder what the next big thing will be?

Of course it will....Eventually laugh

Everything has it's day in the sun. Shooters were just as excited at one time about the latest flintlock as baby boomers are about the '06 as the current generation of shooters is about the Creedmoor. Folks get upset about it but they may as well be shouting at the tide.

What comes along next? Who knows. It's been said that nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come. That's what makes predicting the next big thing usually little more than a guessing game. Widespread adoption of a new military round. Perhaps a new technology. Maybe a new shooting discipline catches on in popularity.

Whatever it is, at the end of the day it's just a piece of brass. No need for people to lose sleep over different shapes of metal