Good point rattler. Although maybe polish pigs make better polish sausage. I don't know. smile

JJHack, it would be hard for me to make the call as I am not at all familiar with what a whole lot of the hogs of other areas look like. But I can describe the West Virginia ones pretty well having seen them up close many times and even helping to cook a couple. They are a pretty large hog, all black with long black hair and usually have long tusks. These descend from imported stock, that much I do remember, but I don't know exactly where the stock was originally from. I have never seen a feral hog in West Virginia. Not to say they don't exist, but any free ranging hog would be living on borrowed time there. Too many people with rifles and a liking of free meat. smile

In North Carolina, where I live now, I am less knowledgable. But I have read that the Russians here are from a farm on the western side of the state. They were raised there and eventually got lose and just started doing what hogs do. There is some level of interbreeding according to the fish and game department. From what they have told me, the appearance of the hogs here ranges from the description I gave above for WVs Russians to regular old barnyard hogs which can be red, white, brown, black or spotted.


Smellin' a lot of 'if' coming off this plan.