I cannot tell you how many generations wild some of these wild dogs were. When I was about 16, we had a real problem with several packs of them. The mix consisted of all kinds of dogs, large and small, some of which had probably been dropped off by city people. The leader of one pack was, as I described, as wild looking as anything I have ever seen, in hair, spotted markings, large ears, etc. It had a bit of German Shepherd in it. We had killed a bunch of them by calling them into an ambush at buckshot range, but the survivors never fell for the same trick twice. Getting the leader required moving up to a .30-06 and a 350-yard shot (with open sights, all I had).

I have seen feral pigs killed that had all the markings of domestic breeds, but in one generation or two they had developed coarser hair, longer snouts, larger tusks. Maybe only the ones with recessive traits (or dominant traits) survive, and the pretty ones don't make it.