Originally Posted by renegade50
If I'm trying to make a move on a deer using terrian to my advantage.
With a nothing to lose but everything to gain situation.
Running, jogging , slow walking over a short or long distance.
I'm looking ahead for a tree to brace on, or if not a kneeling position to take the shot.
Having a tight grouping zeroed rifle compensates for error.
Most important thing IMO when your blood is pumping and your breathing is fast.
Is to exhale and shoot at the natrual 1 to 2 second max pause at the bottom of your breath and let the crosshair settle down naturally from the exhale onto your shot.
You might get away with repeating 2 or 3 cycles of a respiratory pause doing this to get off a shot.
But that 1st cycle is your money maker.
After a couple of cycles of doing this .
Your lungs and blood are screaming for 02 if ya cant get it done and your vision will blur on ya faster at the bottom of your exhale.


Good post on getting the job done. I have never had the training you have but I have had to just stop for a second, relax and take a few deep breaths to gain my composure. Of course that is not always an option.