Busy as he is, Sir Jerry snapped some pics of his Bagwellian handiwork.
If anything is not clear below, he will have some 'splainin' for us I am sure,
whenever he gets time.

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Those sight blades above, made by either Bill or Jerry have been shaped into the traditional Sharps Shape.
Not like the one I posted earlier that was on Bill's African Safari rifle.

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I will do my next one, one way or the other, getting the bottom of the blade flat and flush with the barrel for the master touch.
I will not be shy about using a spot of JB-Weld and just a light touch with a punch on each side of the blade, instead of a mangling.

Ron aka "Rip" for Riflecrank Internationale Permanente
NRA Life Benefactor and Beneficiary
.458 Winchester Magnum, Magnanimous in Victory
THE WALKING DEAD does so remind me of Democrap voters. Donkeypox.