I said earlier that I had an appointment through Blue Cross/Truhearing. My Medicare pays a portion of the price. Nowhere on their website or in printed literature did it say that their pricing was per ear, not per pair. When I got there I was informed that the price just doubled.
I will probably have to pay for the exam I had but I'm going to Costco and will save $500 plus get lifetime adjustments, not just 3 as offered by insurance. The problem is that they're swamped and I can't get in until June.

I have some tinnitus. It's never bothered me but since my old hearing aids quit entirely, I notice the rushing sound much louder. Those of you who have it but don't wear hearing aids might do well to talk to an audiologist to see if hearing aids might cover up some of the tinnitus problem like they do for me. Nothing will cure it but they might help.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.