Originally Posted by DBT
Everyone should earn a living doing productive work.
There should be ample opportunities for everybody except the severely handicapped to work and to earn a fair living, but what about encroaching computerization, where jobs once performed by people are no longer an option?
What happens when there are simply not enough jobs for humans?
What is to be done?
Those in power are going to clear the decks by killing people. It will start by first inflation, then shortages (water and food), then disrupt the supply of life saving drugs like insulin or heart failure drugs or COPD inhalers. Epidemics. Who knows, this COVID vaccine maybe the method. The Regressives, Nazis, and Commies have always gotten rid of excess population. Hell, in this country FDR did everything he could to get in on WW2. WW2 set population back multiples of millions and we could of sat out both WW1 and 2.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."