In another thread on this forum, I had posted some pics of two leopard Jan had routinely hitting on baits last year (2020). He did have a client that came in in Sept (2020) just after the travel restrictions were lifted. Client was a repeat client who'd hunted PG with Jan several year earlier. This trip, he booked the 21-day leopard hunt.

He actually got two separate shot opportunities. The first one is this cat below. Photo is zoomed in a bit. Estimated distance was 200-220yds.

[Linked Image from]

Just a few days into his hunt, they were out early checking baits and they saw this guy out in broad daylight, albeit early morning, up on a kopje. You can see the cat was actually pretty relaxed. They stopped and watched each other for over 10-min. Client was using a 300 Win Mag and had ample opportunity to take a shot but declined.

Second opportunity came a few days later in a blind. A different tom was on the bait and they watched him for several minutes but again, the client didn't feel confident in the shot (75yds) and declined the shot. No pic of this cat but Jan was confident it was one of the two he had pics of on the baits a few weeks earlier.

Still has the tag for this year available if anyone is interested.