Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
Originally Posted by JeffP
I have also read that the priests are already trained to resume animal sacrifice . And the raising of the red heifers with dna specialists .


I read about that too. It's been a while since they had full red cattle.
I'm not trying to be argumentative, just asking.
Why haven't they been sacrificing for two thousand years? God didn't even ask for a temple. When we think about it, you'd think they'd be doing it all along.
Before Christ, there were specific instructions for the alter to be made of a pile of rocks or soil. There wasn't much special about it other than what not to do, like no tool work on the stones.

They won't sacrifice without the Temple. The last one was destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Romans. The rebuilding of the Temple is not so to speak of God himself but it is part of the time line. The Temple plays a significant role regardless of not being needed for salvation. Here's some interesting reading too https://www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/bible.show/sVerseID/22093/eVerseID/22093