My 57 year old hunting buddy just came back from a week long softball tournament for his granddaughter, in Florida. Nearly every adult associate of the team came back with covid. None had been vaccinated. My buddy’s wife only took one of the two Maderna shots (refused to take the other one) and came down with covid 19 as well. My buddy, who had been fully vaccinated, was the only one of the group who never got the virus. There are certainly a number of breakthrough cases out there, but if it limits serious illness, its a huge advantage. I know of too many middle aged people 35-55 who are facing potentially life long effects and permanent disability due to heart problems or severely scared lungs. I will not vaccinate my 16 year old daughter, but for all of my friends who are in their 40’s +, I would strongly recommend taking the vaccine. Seeing a 42 year old barely be able to make it through a day of work with out collapsing, 8 months after getting the virus, will make you rethink an opposition to the vaccine. Still lots of unanswered questions about the disease and the vaccines, but the risk benefit ratio seems to favor the vaccine for anyone 40+, (or younger if overweight).