Originally Posted by MtnBoomer
Originally Posted by Skankhunt42
Seems you're just fuggin around Boomer. The Ivermectin really does get rid of the Rona. Horse paste or whatever, it's proven to overcome it. Really

ETA you don't need to take it until you feel the shiet coming on. If you're not sick don't bother

I definitely fugg around. 2 days ago I was 19 hours from home with 17 hours of time to get there. Hanging out. Tonight at midnight I finally get time to make it in.

Just horsing around!

True Story.

Enough of the crew here, guys I've grown to respect (ahh jee wiz) , have mentioned it positively, I am going to try for a bit and see if I feel anything. And consider it a good standby if I develop symptoms.

(just sold out of the tube mentioned.)

Nothin wrong with fuggin around. Keep that shiet should you develop symptoms. God speed and here's to your health.