How about some corn horse jokes...

"Once upon a time there was a rich man that was driving past a farm-he was probably going to play golf with his Doctor buddy-, he looked over and saw a beautiful stallion standing in the field. The rich man thought, ‘Wow I gotta have him’ so he pulled into the farm’s entrance. He found the owner and said, “I want that horse out yonder in that field. How much do you want for him?” The farmer said, “He don’t look to good.” “Nonsense” said the rich man “I’ll pay you $1000 for him.” “But he don’t look to good,” said the farmer. The rich man sighed and said, “$2000 dollars is my final offer.” The farmer sold the beautiful horse to the rich man. One week later the rich man came back angry as ever and said, “Darn you, you sold me a blind horse!” Then the farmer smiled and said, “I TOLD YOU HE DIDN’T LOOK TOO GOOD!!!!”"

Sounds like a Pollack farmer....

Last edited by battue; 08/01/21.

laissez les bons temps rouler