Originally Posted by MontanaMan
Current & recent past S&W 1911's are very underrated, maybe just lack of big numbers of them in the market..............or maybe some other factor, I dunno.

They are generally very good performers & S&W knows how to get the external extractor right, compared to Kimber's fiasco with that version.


How soon people forget. Drive Cooper Arms almost to bankruptcy over a donation to BamBam but go all forgiving to S&W after they pull this

Here are just some of the terms of the S & W/Clinton-Gore Administration agreement:


Prohibited from buying more than one handgun in a 14-day period.
Prohibited from buying a firearm without passing an unspecified safety test.
Prohibited from buying a self-defense handgun that did not meet arbitrary accuracy standards.
Prohibited, if under age 18, from even walking into the firearms section of a sporting goods store unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Prohibited from selling legal semi-automatic rifles, commonplace ammunition magazines and firearms that do not meet the difficult standards established in the agreement.
Prohibited from selling firearms at any gun show where any legal private sale is conducted.
Required to include with every firearm sold, a false written statement in large bold-face type that hundreds of children die each year from firearm accidents.
Required to carry $1 million in liability insurance and perform tasks properly handled by law enforcement to comply with the edicts of a new "Oversight Commission."

Prohibited from marketing any firearm in a way that appeals to young shooters and hunters.
Required to dedicate 1% of revenues to a propaganda campaign promoting the dangers of gun ownership.
Required to support legislative efforts to reduce firearms misuse and development of "smart" gun technology.
Required to "ballistically fingerprint" every firearm, thus setting up backdoor national firearms registration.
Required to meet certain unproven design standards for handguns sold only to civilians--guns sold to military and police would be exempted, thereby showing the intent is not to make guns safer or better, but to impose standards that will ultimately eliminate sales, to private citizens.
Required to manufacture pistol with positive, manually-operated safety devices as determined by BATF standards applying to imported handguns. BATF has repeatedly handed down politically-driven misinterpretations of the "sporting purposes" importation law, to prohibit many semi-auto rifles and handguns.

S&W is forever junk and on my total ban list.

Last edited by Swifty52; 09/20/21.
