Pretty good display right here in these replies that show how these situations come to be.

Instant denial without any facts.

It was the Boy Scouts own files that created their undoing.

It's a accumulation of records the BSA kept that they referred to as the "Confidential Files" today more commonly know as the "Perversion Files".
A law firm released the records on Oct. 18, 2012 under a court order after the files were used as key pieces of evidence in a 2010.

The BSA were able to purge many of these records prior to being required to release them.

Still, the records of 1300 men that abused many scouts remained in these files that are dated from 1965 to 1985.

In those years there were no computers that quickly and efficiently searched files and offered instant results.

The pedophiles that abused these children were able to move from one Troop to another once caught knowing they would be not be exposed or turned over to law enforcement.
The only results were they would be added to the BSA Confidential file, a very weak form of blacklisting. Many openly admitted to their crimes knowing there would be no consequences.

They were protected by the BSA in order to save disgrace to the Scouting name. They knowingly protected felons from law enforcement. Being the LDS hosted or Sponsored these scouting events involving these pedophiles places them equally responsible.

Just like the Catholic church, they created a safe haven for these men to operate in by their actions which attracted more and more of these types to become involved.
This enabled these men to abuse more and more children.

If your interested in knowing the facts involved you can search and view these files at the following URL.

Padded VA Hospital Rooms for $1000 Alex

Originally Posted by renegade50
My ignoree,s will never be Rock Stars on 24 hr campfire.....Like me!!!!

What are psychotic puppet hunters?