Here's one of the best posts I've read here regarding diesel trucks.
The wisdom of Northern Dave:

Originally Posted by northern_dave
Here's what happens with a diesel truck.

you buy the truck and you get to pay way more money for the truck up front before you even start bleeding cash due to the ownership.

you get to the pump, you touch the pump handle with one finger and you are instantly coated head to toe with diesel, which you get to smell as you drive, as you raise your coffee or water bottle to your face, as you eat your breakfast sammich etc. It's on you now, for the day, embrace it. Not to mention that 3 oz of fuel that dumped out of the nozzle and on top of your boot as you were positioning the nozzle to insert into the fuel filler on the truck. (it soaks into leather really well) It's handy that diesel nozzles are ALWAYS full of fuel for you to spill on your boots, pants etc. Diesel fuel pumps are the ghettos of the filling station.

Oil chainge? Great news! Your truck holds 3 gallons of the most expensive engine oil ever produced and the change intervals are on par with the last gas truck you owned.... The filter? That's not cheap, why the hell would that be cheap? Since you are changing filters, why don't you do the fuel filters too? (yes plural). You have now serviced your engine for $160 (if you do it yourself) and you are good for another 5000 miles!

Now you go on that hunting trip. Did you know the front of your truck weighs 5 trillion tons? You'll figure that out once you reach some mud and or deep snow.

She's a champ on pavement with a trailer hitched up tho, no denying that. Now where did I put that jug of DEF?

Let's Go Brandon! FJB