T Inman;
Good evening and Happy Thanksgiving to you my cyber friend.

Indeed the somewhat famous Vaseux California Bighorn herd was dealt a staggering blow by exposure to tame sheep from which they got some kind of Pasteurella lung infection. In the old days it was a herd that was used to restock California Bighorn into at least 3 states that I can recall off the top of my head.

Same with the Grand Forks herd too, it was infected by tame sheep or that's where the evidence points in my view.

I'm with you 100% that there should not be tame sheep within a fair number of miles from any known wild sheep population. The wild sheep are way too susceptible to disease and we have a choice to have one or the other - not both.

That's likely a bit of a hard line to take considering my contacts in the ranching community as well as an agricultural background and I get that, nonetheless that's where I'm at today.

Happy Thanksgiving and all the best to you.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"