Yes it all has been excellent advice and it's a very much appreciated! The grandsons live in Minnesota and we're in Missouri. The other fellow lives near by. Mt grandsons will be here again this summer so we're going to have a lesson on putting the tent up. We shoot allot when they come here and not from the bench. They are as good or better than most hunters I know. They love work too and seem to think I need to just sit and watch while they do it all, I know that's rare.

There are some guys in the area that have pack horses/mules and I intend to get in touch with them before hand to see if I can get an elk packed out and what it cost. The cost isn't such a big deal after spending time myself in helping to pack meat out and the work involved. If we do have to pack it out I'd rather not carry the bones so we'll likely bone it out.

My choice for getting in better shape will be my bike. It's always been a big help in the past. I'm 60 though and not 25 anymore. I will pace myself and advice them to do the same. We also plan to hunt late October and by then some of the better hunting seems to be at lower elevations. The thin air is a tough go when you're not used to it.

My wall tent is 18'x21' from Bravo Tent. We'll have a good wood stove which I am getting material together to build, I do allot of fabricating in my business and would rather build it myself. Camp will be set where we can drive to it. I aim to have a warm dry camp and plenty of good food. I've been in lousy camps and it seems to make everything harder. That's why I bought my own tent. Ideally I'd like to camp in the National Forest and have close access to the Wilderness Area. I already have some locations in mind, I've been there before so it's not unfamiliar country to me. I want as many options as possible. We have a good group going. Everyone will pitch in and I see no reason we can't enjoy the time. Safety first!

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