Originally Posted by renegade50
About 42 x with just the running checking balance after bills.
Not touching other assets.

Like Sandbilly has said in ways.
Plenty of solid folks making ends meet not on unca suga tiddy,s.
They aint the problem or should be seen as a problem in ways.

Welfare rats.
Welfare rats working just below income thresholds and planning it that way.
Welfare rats working under the table double dipping.

We all know the type and who they generally vote for....

Is what it is when half of the nation is propped up on other peoples taxes...

Fugg...what is it like 50% or 60% of people dont pay a penny in taxes but yet receive returns of 1000,s each year.
And on some sort of .gov or welfare program to begin with...

Flat tax
Every swinging Richard...
From Joe Citizen to Billionaires to corporate America.

I would love to have a 10% tax liabilty myself.
I imagine many would love that rate also.

April 15 is gonna suck as usual..
Write that check for Wide screens, spinner rims, malt liquor, and herb...

Just wait till a bunch of these aloof fuggtards getting 300 a month child check or whatever it is called..
Realize it has been pro rated off their tax return money...

Joey gonna have ta do something to appease those types I bet.
That earned income and child tax credit bonanza return aint gonna be like it was for em last year.

It will be President President Trumps fault and it will be racist spun per the Liberal Socialist Democrat media ministry of propaganda.

Blah blah blah

$5000 pos 2001 pickup
rent to center couch
Pink faded Kromey Stormer cap