After seeing what they do on deer, the AR under my bed is loaded with the 77 grain Sierra tipped match kings. Black Hills sells loaded ammo with that bullet.

My second choice would be Speer gold dot 75 grain. They are also sold as loaded ammunition.

I know you didn’t ask about suppressors, but just in case you were thinking about it ever, the concussion on my 12.5 inch was crazy. Now it’s really nice. I went to a shop with a silencer shop kiosk in it and they roll your fingerprints take your picture submit everything and it was super easy and took less than 20 minutes. For $25 extra they made a trust so the suppressor can be shot by my kids and inherited later without a problem. Then I just have to wait for the paperwork to go through. I really wish I would’ve done it years ago it is so nice. A Yankee Hill turbo two is a little over $400, then the stamp.

The never-ending flight
Of future days.
Paradise Lost. Book ii. Line 221