I got no dog in this fight, but thought I'd share some firsthand experience with 2021 Ford F250. Last fall my son's forest management employer bought 6 plain jane F250 4wds. Three of those trucks are used daily off highway, frequently in 4wd this time of year. On the 3 dirt road trucks the 'in cab 4 wd control' quit working within the the first 15,000 miles. Required the hubs to be manually engaged. Parts to fix that are "in the pipeline" (3 weeks and counting) according to the service writer. 2 of the 3 trucks emit a horrible squalling noise in the dash when the engine is turned off, possibly air duct doors. Dealer wants owner to share cost of repair, since they think it is caused by dirt and dust. 2 of the 3 trucks, and one of the pavement queens, had stress fractured windshields in less than 10,000 miles. I drove one of the trucks one afternoon, at 20,000 miles it has body rattles like an old Dodge. The drivers are waiting to see what these trucks will do when they have a 100,000 miles on the clock. Asking the 3 drivers if they would buy a F250 4x4 for themselves...no takers, even if they could get it for the 43,000 fleet buy price.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.