Originally Posted by ribka
what States has Putin (Russia) annexed from the former Soviet Union? I didn't know they even had states in the former Soviet Union ( FSU) They had 15 soviet republics and I have been in all 15 of them .

Please enlighten me.

Fair enough, I was being sloppy. Russia has not "annexed" anything except the Crimean peninsula. But Russia is supporting breakaway "republics" which are sympathetic vassal states at best, such as Transdinistra, southern Ossetia, and Donestk and Luhansk. Only Crimea was "annexed" but the others are forcibly removed from recognized states, and illicity recognized and aligned as Russian allies. Small consolation to the states who lost those areas to Russian interference and control.

His excuse that Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine were not being nice to his ethnic brothers and sisters works no better now than it did in the Sudetendland or former Prussian states in Poland.

Last edited by plumbum; 05/19/22.