Coming from a public service career as a Firefighter / Paramedic, I always had utmost respect for my fellow officers. I seen what hiring quotas, preferential treatment for minorities did to a fire department. Promotion of incompetence because people couldn't perform the job so they were placed in higher ranks. The high command often promoted fall guys so when the SHTF they had someone to blame. I suspect this probably happened at Uvalde. The higher ups never imagined a worst case scenario as this. Here in my small town in Hickville USA the local police and Sherriff department seemed to expanded x4 in the last two years. I'm sure they hired a load of folks who left the metro Atlanta departments because of politics. Now when I drive into town there's literally a cop on every corner waiting to pull folks over for BS traffic violations. It pisses me off that what little money I have for gas, taxes and now I feel like I have to pay the blue mafia what little I have left. My respect is starting to wane.

A bowhunter at heart but a gun guy at soul. I'll take craftsmanship, wood and blue steel over plastic and composite any day.