Originally Posted by simonkenton7
It wasn't a conspiracy.

Let's look for the simplest explanation. Uvalde has a school police force, six cops ruled by Chief Arredondo.
Who wants to be a school cop, but some Barney Fife wanting to put in his 30 years and get that good pension.
Knowing that the biggest problem they are likely to face is a 14 year old girl with 4 Percocet in her purse. "Put your hands behind your back, Maria, I am taking you to Juvie Lockup!" What an enforcer of law the school cop was on that day!

On a really big day, they catch a 16 year old punk, selling 3 ounces of pot out of his car in the school parking lot. A felony!

School cops will hardly draw "the Best and the Brightest" cops in the first place and obviously, Chief Arredondo is an incompetent , fat slug looking to put in his 30 years and then grab that fat pension. We have, what, 10,000 schools in America? And a school shooting, once every 3 years? The chance of a school cop having to deal with a school shooting is one in a million.

To explain this tragedy, let us look for incompetence, stupidity, and cowardice.

Sums up my experience while dealing with one of our SRO's