Originally Posted by greydog
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by KFWA
they say it will be at deadpool stage in less than 8 years at this rate
I understand people have varied levels of sympathy for western water tables and water rights, but that is the bread basket of this country.
I am surprised congress hasn't proposed a water pipeline, say from the mouth of the Mississippi thru a series of lakes with giant pumping stations in an attempt to maintain levels. Maybe that is pie in the sky and the cost would be outrageous, but we do it with oil pipelines.
I see all that flood water in the spring along the Mississippi and wonder why we don't try to capture it in some way.
Reckon it would be possible to transfer Great Lakes water over the divide? There is a fairly low elevation pass up around the area of West Yellowstone. Surely if we can spend trillions on the crap we already do we could move lake water in huge aqueducts.
Yeah. After screwing up one watershed, we could jump right in and try to screw up the whole continent. Holy crap. Turn the Corps of Engineers loose though and they're game for anything. They have a history to live up to. GD
I understand there are all sorts of arguments against it but getting Great Lakes water to Flaming Gorge Reservoir in Wyoming looks to be the most feasible on the map. Getting Mississippi River water from below New Orleans would present a much more serious challenge to get the water into the Colorado above Lake Powell not to mention the salinity/pollution issue. There would be a huge outcry about invasive fish and weeds and all sorts of environmental issues raised but we are talking about a huge part of this country suffering for water while we spend trillions on fighting to keep tyranny in power overseas.

I also have a solution to Gulf Coast erosion. This country has a limitless supply of rocks that could be used to line the coast and trap every bit of sand that washed over during storms. And before that idea is dismissed just come see that Red River in Louisiana was lined with rocks for over 100 miles (both sides= 200) by the Army Corps of Eng. Now Shreveport is a seaport. And Galveston lined their sea front with rocks over 100 years ago with the equipment not near as good as we have now

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