I was reading a Virginia DWR article. Virginia is one of the last US states to be colonized by coyotes migrating in from the north and south. The writer essentially said that it is unclear if coyotes in Virginia are causing a decline in deer populations. (We've got more deer in Virginia now then ever before, with some northern Virginia counties allowing unlimited yearly harvests.) But he did say, at this point, controlling coyotoes on an agency and hunting level is now impossible. Apparently they are here to stay, they can't be eliminated, and even if the population is reduced significantly, they can rebound in a single year. I know in Powhatan County, coyotoes are thick and there was a semi-recent news broadcast about cattle farms loosing calfs to them. Apparently, hunters can't shoot enough of them. And some of them are large, having a significant amount of Eastern Wolf DNA in them.