Beginning coyote hunters worry about the wrong things. Beginners worry about the call and the gun. Those two things aren't problems, a good hand call and about any firearm can do just fine. The calling, the actual sound isn't that important when coyote hunting. Coyotes respond to sounds for any number of reasons, hunger, curiosity, maternal or territorial. If there are coyotes in the area getting a coyote to respond to a call isn't hard. If there are coyotes around getting a coyote to respond to the call in such a place and in a manner in which you can kill it is the hard part. That's called the set-up or the stand. And it's no different than calling gobblers. Gobblers that can smell you from long distances. You can sometimes find a hot two year old turkey gobbler or a group of jakes and call them easy peasy. Same for young of the year coyotes. Coyotes in October and early November come pretty easy. It is the four year old gobbler that will give you a fit and it is the same way for mature coyotes. Now you better plan on using wind direction, cover and terrain to your advantage, make decent sounds, don't fidget and move around and be able to shoot when the time comes. Kill old mature coyotes consistently and then you're a coyote hunter.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.