Y'all need to invest in a can or two of Permanone/Permathrine. Deep Woods OFF isn't half the insect repellant that the Permanone products are. Also, DEET can absolutely wreck certain plastics and the finish on a wooden stock. I first became aware of this years ago while night bass fishing with a bud. We sprayed a little DW OFF on to keep the skeeters in check. Back then I had a fishing rod with a foam type handle and after spraying and rubbing some OFF on my face and neck with my hands I noticed the handle on my rod felt gooey. Examination under a white light revealed that the OFF on my hands had softened the foam handle and literally melted it off where my fingers wrapped around. The next day my friend discovered the plastic screen on his LCR was melted from the over spray of the DW OFF. That screen looked like you held a torch to it, melted plastic running toward the bottom of the unit. And that was just from a spritz of over spray when we applied the OFF to our hats. I have a strong dislike for the stuff and beyond that it isn't as effective as the Permanone products anyway.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.