Permathrine is an actual neurotoxic insecticide. It's not good to get it on your skin. When I've used Repel on my clothes, I've still had to us Deep Woods Off on my skin. DWO keeps the ticks and mosquitos off my face and neck and wrists. The trick is to actually use it. And instead of using two different sprays, I just use use DWO. In the fall and winter there's no need to use anything. Even at the beginning of spring turkey season here it's not that necessary. Only in the last half of the season and the spring squirrel season is it a absolute necessity. Out in the fields and swamps in the summer, it's a requirement. DWO has worked exceptionally well for me. Again, the trick is using it. When I've found ticks, it was when I wasn't using it.

Another good repellant that actually feels good on the skin, is DEET free, but works really well and doesn't stink is Avon Skin So Soft. Now they make it with that pepper plant extract that repels ticks and mosquitos as well as DEET but doesn't affect plastic. DEET will eat into some plastics. I was wearing a cheap pair of sunglasses one time and had DEET on my face. Where ever that sunglasses frame touched my face, it left sticky black plastic residue on my face. Hard as fell to get off.

Nothing, however, will stop yellow deer flies. They will bite through anything. Deet, or Repel treated clothing. Bug netting and very loose clothes are the best defense. I've yet to find anything except a physical barrier to the skin to be adequate against yellow deer flies.

Last edited by 10Glocks; 08/14/22.