Originally Posted by Rick99
In the UPS info...
"Any item that meets the definition of a firearm (including firearm mufflers or silencers) or a “frame” or “receiver” under federal law (including any partially complete, disassembled, or nonfunctional frame or receiver as defined by 27 CFR § 478.12) must be identified and bear a serial number in satisfaction of the requirements for identifying such items under federal law, including 27 CFR § 478.92 and/or 27 CFR § 479.102, regardless of whether any such items are otherwise exempt from or not subject to identification requirements under applicable law.  This prohibition applies even before the effective date of 27 CFR § 478.12."

I think this says that all firearms must have a serial number regardless of whether it is required by law. A lot of older .22 are not serial numbered.


Are they going to tear your package apart to make sure the gun you are shipping has a serial number on it?

It's not legal to drive 66 mph in a 65 mph zone. You could get a ticket for that. But nobody does.

What is the punishment for shipping a gun or gun part against UPS "policy"? A good tongue lashing from the clerk or supervisor? It's not even against the law. It's against their policy. UPS is a private company. They don't make laws. They are not a legislative body.

Holy sheet....

"You cannot invade mainland America. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass"
~Admiral Yamamoto~

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. ~Thomas Jefferson~